How to Add/Remove Liquidity

Once you are on the page of a given vault, you can add liquidity for both assets. It’s also possible to provide liquidity for one asset and to have half of it converted to the corresponding token.

Adding Liquidity

  1. Select a vault that you want to add liquidity for and connect your wallet to your chain. Supported wallets include Metamask, Wallet Connect, Coinbase Wallet, and many more.

  2. Enter the amount of tokens that you want to add liquidity with. You need to provide liquidity in both the tokens depending on the ratio in the pool. Enter the amount for one token and the other is automatically filled-in for users.

  3. Approve tokens

  4. Click "Add Liquidity" to send the transaction to the chain.

  5. You will receive LP tokens in your wallet that you can use anytime to withdraw your liquidity + fees. The value of these LP tokens automatically changes with the performance of the vaults. Your added liquidity is displayed in the box above

You'll receive LP tokens in your wallet, which can be used anytime to withdraw your liquidity along with fees. The value of these LP tokens adjusts automatically based on vault performance. Your added liquidity is shown in the box above.

The “Add” tab is for providing a pair of assets.

The “Swap & Add” tab is for providing a single asset.

Removing Liquidity

When removing liquidity, the ratio in which you get back the tokens depends on the position's current ratio. The vault rebalances in such a way that the vault's overall exposure of the base token is maintained constant. Each user's exposure might change.

  1. Connect your wallet with the chain

  2. Click on the "Remove Liquidity" tab and specify the amount of LP tokens you want to redeem. You can also select this via a slider to choose it as a percentage.

  3. You will be able to view how many exact tokens you would receive.

  4. Click on "Remove Liquidity" button to send the transaction via your wallet

Last updated